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Henry J. Abrams MD

Medical & Lab Director, Urologist

Dr. Abrams has significant prowess in the practice of Urology with over 40 years of medical and clinical experience in the field. His background is both broad and diverse and includes a number of prestigious medical organizations including seven years as a Medical Supervisor with the Boston Medical Group. In that capacity, Henry’s capabilities and leadership brought much to the practice in helping patients and adding to the organization. 

Dr. Abrams believes that all men deserve to have a fulfilling life and to enjoy intimacy for as long as they would wish to. As such, he found the Atlantic Men’s Clinic to be a great place to continue his personal mission of increasing awareness of effective treatments to improve and maintain male sexual function. Additionally, his desire to help expand the overarching aspects of male sexual and restorative health care is a perfect fit with the Atlantic Men’s Clinic mission to help men in these critical areas of life.

As the former Governor of the American College of Surgeon, Dr. Abrams is a valuable member of our team and brings a wealth of knowledge, experience, and capability to the Atlantic Men’s Clinic. But beyond all this, it is his commitment to improving the lives of our patients that adds so much to our breadth of therapies and high level of personalized care.  

Dr. Abrams received a Bachelor of Science at City College of NY and an MD at NY Medical.

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A Promeniq® Restorative Health Practice