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Christopher Soto


Provider - Boca Raton

Christopher is a highly motivated Nurse Practitioner, with a wealth of education that has led him through his robust career. He received his Bachelors of Science in Chemistry from Florida State University, attended South University to become a Nurse Practitioner, and got his Advanced Nursing Degree from the International College of Health Sciences. Additionally, he achieved his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Life Chiropractic College.

With a well-rounded career in the medical field, including 20 years as a chiropractor, Christopher was eager to follow a new path that would allow him to serve even more patients and help them in making changes for the better in their lives. He is also a published contributor in 2 different medical journals. His goal when joining the Atlantic Men’s Clinic was simple: to provide the highest quality medical outcomes in treatment for Erectile Dysfunction, Low-T and other men’s sexual health conditions.

Christopher has a passion for improving men’s quality of life. Together with his knowledge and skills, the cutting-edge treatments at Atlantic Men's Health Clinic can help to restore men's confidence, well being, and sexual health. In his free time, Christopher prioritizes time with his lovely wife.

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A Promeniq® Restorative Health Practice