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Chuck Snover


Provider - Fort Myers & Naples

Chuck Snover is a Physician Assistant with a Master of Medical Science from Salus University. His impressive career began as an Air Force Special Tactics Pararescueman where he performed 3 Deployments to Afghanistan as a Combat Medic.

Following his military career and a hard-earned Master’s degree, he worked for 2 years in Family Practice, 2 years in Emergency Medicine and 2 years in Urgent Care before transitioning into Men’s Health.

Chuck’s transition into the Men’s Health field stems from his passion to provide cutting-edge solutions for common health conditions that so many men face. Ultimately he wants to help men heal their (oftentimes) strained romantic relationships through effective health care treatments.

Chuck leads by example and is also a humble, continual learner. He believes in staying current with new and upcoming treatment options, and offering the best medical advice available for his patients. He helps to create a safe and comfortable environment for men to seek treatment.

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A Promeniq® Restorative Health Practice